Sunday, December 05, 2004

Random Stuff

I have an ugly, ongoing dispute with my neighbors who live in the apartment directly above me. It's probably the nastiest thing I've ever been involved with, and I have a visceral hatred for these two delusional, sociopathic grifters. The eviction process is underway, but these idiots won't leave until the marshall shows up and drills out their front door lock and bodily evicts them and their stuff. And it won't happen for at least another month. Anyway, I've learned (once again) that there are people who use and manipulate other people as a matter of course. There are people who lie and lie about lying and believe their own lies. There are people who think nothing of stealing from others while convincing themselves that the people they're stealing from are "investing." After all, investing is a crap shoot, and investors lose money all the time, right? This has dominated our lives for six months, and I just want it to be over. Enough of that.

When Michael Jordan first retired and then un-retired from the Chicago Bulls in 1994, he briefly wore jersey number 45 before switching back to his familiar number 23. While Mike was wearing number 45, a concerned mother asked coach Phil Jackson which replica jerseys she should buy for her kids-- 45 or 23. Jackson thought for a minute and replied, "Buy them books." I like Phil Jackson.

Speaking of basketball, one of my personal heroes, and a man whose philosophy of life is as relevant today as it was when he developed it, is John Wooden, former head coach of the UCLA Bruins. Everyone who ever played for Coach Wooden says that every day they utilize something he taught them about life and how to live it. His Pyramid Of Success is more popular and relevant now than ever. The man is exactly the same today as he was 60 years ago, and the fact that he's still around is a wonderful thing. He was an extraordinary coach and an even greater man. He's a national treasure.


Blogger Fargus... said...

Hey, dude.

Sorry to hear about your travails with the neighbors. I hope it's over as quickly and quietly as possible.

I love that Phil Jackson story. Makes me like the man even more.

I just looked up the Pyramid of Success, and it looks like a pretty cool thing. I've always been a UCLA fan, as you know, so I'll have to do some searching about Wooden's history.


3:52 PM  

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