Sunday, February 04, 2007


There are two types of people in this world: people who are willing to be the first to say "bye-bye" at the end of a phone conversation, and people who absolutely, positively have to wait for the other person to say "bye-bye" first at the end of a phone conversation before they'll say "bye-bye." I'm a guy who's not afraid to say "bye-bye" first, but sometimes I like to play the game of trying to get the other person to say "bye-bye" first. It usually goes something like this: "Well, I'll see you later." "Okay." "Have a good one." "Take care." "Talk to you later." "Alright." "See ya." "M-kay." "Be careful out there." And on and on and on...... Finally, I'm usually the one who ends up saying "bye-bye" first.

Which are you, dear readers, a "firster" or a "waiter?" If you're a "firster," try getting the other person to say "bye-bye" first some time and see how frustrating it is. If you're a "waiter," try living on the edge some time and surprise the other person and say "bye-bye" first. It just might change your life.


Blogger Pt said...

I'm a "waiter", but I think it's more that I have trouble with social cues than that I enjoy running up people's cell phone minutes.

1:24 AM  

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