Thursday, March 03, 2005

I Saw Him Standing There

I've been a musician all my life, and I used to work in a big recording studio. A while back, there was this guy who used to hang around in the lobby of the studio for hours and try to flirt with the studio manager Tiffany (not her real name), who was about six feet tall and strikingly well put together. Anyway, this guy's name was Brian and he had long blonde hair, and he was really pale - sort of opaque or translucent - with pale blue eyes. He was pretty annoying, and I don't think Tiffany particularly liked him, either. I had heard that he was a guitar player, but I never worked with him or heard him play.

One night years later, I was watching an HBO-I-think-it-was special with Paul McCartney playing in Red Square in Russia. And there playing guitar in Paul McgoddamnCartney's band in Red Square was - yep! - Brian the annoying opaque guy. Sure enough, Super Bowl comes around, there's - yep! - Brian the annoying opaque guy playing at halftime in the SupergoddamnBowl. Brian plays guitar when Paul McCartney plays bass, and Brian plays bass when Paul McCartney plays piano or guitar. Unbelievable.

His name's Brian Ray, and he's probably a real nice guy. I'm sure he's got a website and everything. He probably plays really well. Am I jealous? Damn right I am. I wonder if Tiffany would go out with him now.


Blogger Fargus... said...

There's an interview with the fella there. I thought you'd find that interesting. I don't know if there's any mention of "Tiffany" or the studio in there, though. He probably left that part out. Didn't wanna admit getting shot down.

8:12 PM  

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